The idea of making a
series on 12 women speakers
, one each month in 2010, came from my experience of coaching
of executive women and men, providing in depth constructive and personal feedback
with a model called the

SPM 12 Dimensions

  • What is the SPM?

Spony Profiling Model
is an international profiling tool for individuals, teams and organisations

SPM reveals motivations,
preferences and flexibility
, all valuable insights for modern executives. SPM highlights areas of tension; key challenges and
opportunities for development, with individual advice for adaptation to
different international environments
.  This is achieved by measuring individuals’ work values and
how others see them at work, manifesting their values through their management

  • What is the research and academic background behing the SPM?

SPM combines & extends Hofstede’s
work on cultures with Schwartz's work on values systems

  • Who developed the SPM?

Dr. Gilles Spony  researched SPM at Cranfield School of
Management,  winning First Prize
for the best Doctoral Thesis presented in Europe in 2001
, from the European
Association of Personnel Management. 


the boom of current issues in cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions and the
management of cross-cultural teams, Gilles’ has developed an analytical model
aimed at analysing the impact of personality and cultural differences on
managers’ decision-making style within the modern work context. His model
represents a truly innovative step to adapt traditional personality profiling
to the modern context of internationalisation and globalisation."

Founder of Entheo


  • What are the twelve
    SPM styles?

Each style is always
seen as half of a pair of dilemnas : two styles that are both good, yet
opposite styles of management. I will share thumbnail sketches for
each style, as I illustrate them each month.  

About the Persuader Style, read Meg Whitman The Laser Light with a Big Smile (January)

Although Meg Whitman display mostly characteristics from the persuader style, she demonstrates sensitivity, friendliness and empathy with others. She 's "stretching" on the relationship dilemna of the Persuader- Moderator.This flexibility makes her a brilliant communicator.

About the Pioneer Style, read Play like a Man, Win like a Woman, with Gail Evans (February)

This post provoked some polemic,(read the comments!) maybe because I stressed the Pioneer dimension of Gail Evans, at the expense of the opposite style: the Maintainer, that I will develop further, with an original example.

About the Achiever Style,opposed to the Facilitator, watch out for my next post,… with Ursula Burns (March)


  • What can you learn, thanks to the SPM?

Understanding your styles and how others see you at work
means you can make conscious or deliberate choices about the way you manage,
with particular outcomes in mind.
can find a way to focus on creating good working relationships, even with those
whose styles you do not like, which often leads to diversity becoming a
positive aspect within your workplace. 


  • What about cultural differences?

When working across different cultures, SPM is particularly
good at showing people where they need to pay attention to their styles, to
ensure the best possible outcomes. SPM is still unique in being able to offer
individual insight at the cultural level with a an Individualised Cultural Map.


  • How can you take the SPM?

Future to belogo

Contact Future to Be. Future to Be is a pioneer in the impact
that culture has on individual value systems and how this impacts ways
of working.

Accessed online, with online results instantly available, this tool is also statistically proven to offer valid colleague observation
with just three responders.  It is
easily described as efficient and insightful. With detailed written reports, for individuals, teams and
organizations, SPM is perfectly integrative and 21st  century


  • Who does it apply for?

Utilizing the same base axes for individual, team and organizational
profiling, SPM provides a common foundation for integrated development for
organizations, teams and individuals. A rigorous consultant qualifying
programme means that the standards are carefully controlled.  

 "We believe that there is much more power in learning
accept and
leverage different
personalities, skills
and backgrounds."

Looking at successful women
leaders more closely, I realized that they displayed characteristics similar to
aspects of the SPM styles.
Although they have not yet taken the SPM Questionnaire, it is possible
to see that some elements are clearly displayed.  By thinking of their styles in terms of SPM, it is possible
to understand one’s own styles and undertake development to enhance management
styles for more successful outcomes
Adopting styles of those who are successful is a good way to realize
success for yourself.


It has been my privilege to
work with senior executives women, and men using SPM and I am convinced that this sophisticated
tool is a solid foundation for development activity.  As is already evident, this approach has provoked comment and
debate and hopefully will lead on to improved leadership development and greater diversity at the workplace.


are a number of case studies that illustrate how the SPM can be applied
and the effect that it can have in a variety of different environments:


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