Bonne nouvelle pour les créatrices d’entreprise ! Financer votre formation « Prise de parole en public pour les femmes – objectif pitch » avec votre CPF ! Depuis l’été 2020, l’organisme de formation MARION CHAPSAL, Etincelles ZEN est Datadocké...
Why is it that we always want to learn more about our « mistakes », insatiably seeking ways to improve through outside advice (or shame)? I realize that most business in coaching and training women in leadership and communication thrives upon telling women what they...
“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – Melinda Gates. Join us on The Heroine’s Journey and find your voice. The sun is peeking over the distant mountains with the promise of another...
Hello everybody! I am back into blogging and feeling a bit clumsy. Like an elephant in a china shop…Some links are broken, some pages are invaded by weeds. It’s a real jungle. But I am writing again. Finding my own voice, even if it’s shaking. This...
Today’s lesson: Learn To Speak Less. Speak Better. Shorter TED conferences last 18 minutes maximum. I love them, and posted a few on this blog.I used to watch them entirely, now I switch to shorter extracts, and wish they also offered « MicroTED ». Audience...
Photo by Adalia Botha on Unsplash We found out that presentations were going to look : More simple Shorter More personal More interactive Collaborative More fun What does it mean for us, NOW? « Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. » Leonardo da Vinci Simplicity...