A Story about Women on Twitter asking Questions on Leadership Around The World…and drifting away, making ripples and co- creating a story I wanted to share with you…
It may have started earlier, but then again with Twitter,
when does it start, when does it end? Merry-go-round all day and all night
When? Tuesday, February the 2nd 2010.
Where? Somewhere between Finland, France, USA and
Who? Mary Jo
Asmus, Roberta Hill, Katri Kytôpuu and Marion Chapsal.
It started with a discussion around questions.
I asked my friend Katri about a tweet in finnish where she
said “How the way we talk can change the way we work”:
I had no idea what she was talking about, and was just being
curious… Maybe it was linked with Presentation Skills and Public Speaking?
Maybe it had nothing to do with it ! I was taking a chance, and asking:
@MarionChapsal Junalukemisenani tällä hetkellä How the way we talk can change the way we
work (tell me more, Katri!) (via @KatriK)
(Here, Mary Jo jumps in with David Cooperrider)
@mjasmus @MarionChapsal David Cooperrider
says our organizations & communities move in the direction of the questions
we ask.
(here, I must admit I’m a little lost, since I have no idea who David Cooperrider is…and not quite sure what to make of this brilliant tweet…)
(Roberta jumps in the convo and adds Appreciative Inquiry…I’m still keeping up with 5 other threads of discussions…)
@RobertaHill You bet they do –
hence value of Appreciative Inquiry.RT @mjasmus: @MarionChapsal David
Cooperrider says org. move in direction of ? asked.
KatriK @MarionChapsal Quite
inspiring book Amazon -> http://bit.ly/c2eUpw . From complaint to commitment
was the phrase, why I bought the book 🙂
MarionChapsal @mjasmus Oui, c’est ça! That’s why children,
who keep asking relentlessly millions of questions, learn so fast! (and are so
MarionChapsal @mjasmus @RobertaHill Hence the importance of
asking the good question, the one we dare not ask at the risk of being stupid #Perceval
(who is David Cooperrider…Google, quick!)
@mjasmus @MarionChapsal @RobertaHill or the courageous
questions that we don’t know the answers to (children do this, but we are
And here, I don’t know what went through my mind, but I said:
MarionChapsal @mjasmus @RobertaHill Why do we still talk
over and over again about leadership? (sorry, silly question…) When do we
create another word?
@KatriK @MarionChapsal We had a little convo abt word leader
and if I remember correctly the word used instead was builder 🙂
KatriK @MarionChapsal I found you the article, that started
our convo 🙂 http://blogs.hbr.org/haque/2009/12/the_builders_manifesto.html
@MarionChapsal @KatriK
Like in « Bob the Builder »? 🙂 #Leadership #Buildership
@MarionChapsal @KatriK Reading your article abt Buildership
in Harvard Business Food for thought also for @mjasmus @RobertaHill
MarionChapsal @KatriK I’m reading the article you
recommended and it’s fantastic! Thank you. Wow! I’m not alone anymore….:-))
@mjasmus @MarionChapsal Not silly! Perhaps because
« leadership » is whats missing. We talk about it but we don’t really
get it (or do it)
@MarionChapsal @mjasmus Reminds me also of all this talk
about gender at the work place…All agree that there should be more women at
the « top », few act
@MarionChapsal @KatriK 🙂 what about Thomas the Tank
Engine? Wait!…Where are the girls??! Roberta the builder, MariJo the Engine? @RobertaHill
@MarionChapsal I quite like the idea :-). We need to do more building so
that the future could be different. We need builders like Bob :-)!
@RobertaHill Not silly at all.
I am getting tired of it 2 RT @MarionChapsal: @mjasmus @RobertaHill Why
do we still talk over & over about leadership?
@MarionChapsal Thanks for the compliment!
@KatriK @MarionChapsal By the way, Bob the Builder has a
partner Wendy,who organizes Bob’s business 🙂
MarionChapsal @KatriK hahaha! Bien sûr! Also found Scoop Bob the Builder’s yellow digger
truck. He is the leader of the machines,loves practical jokes!
@MarionChapsal @RobertaHill Did you know there was also
Wendy the organizer? We could almost build an MBTI or a TMS case with Bob’s team!
@RobertaHill @MarionChapsal Funny! 🙂
@MarionChapsal @KatriK Very good point for Wendy. But who
knows Wendy??? 🙂
@MarionChapsal It’s a good question: Do we see the Wendys of our world
or do we take them granted? Do we give the appreciation they deserve?
@MarionChapsal @KatriK a good start for a post! Like Wendy
in Peter Pan, too! ( Can’t help to
think in cartoons…especially when I’m happy!)
Good start for a post…Picture of Bob the Builder, etc…Wendy flying happy in the sky, invisible…
Start of twitter conversations illustrated by pictures….Blitz Conversations from stormy women around the world…Back to the beginnings.
Good Night. Will add Wendy flying tomorrow morning, and maybe delete this crazy post…