What is Collaborative Leadership? How can we experience it during a one day workshop? Our previous participants say it best !
“Collaborative leadership is something that has always made me dream for all of what it allows, for all its promises: consistency, happiness at work, creativity emerged. But nothing is more difficult to live on a daily basis. The workshop I attended was a spiritual and concrete experience that made me grow. I felt I was part of the whole. I loved the kindness, the simplicity and humanity. And the powerful tools gave me the‘Breath’ to rethink the Freedom of being and acting everyday.”
~Veronique de Tilly,
Founder of La Maison de L’Enfant, an Ashoka Changemaker School
Join us in Paris on May 29th, 2017 for an exploration of how to use a simple and powerful approach to staying grounded in the midst of turmoil while engaging in conversations that can tap the wisdom of groups and produce effective results.
We will explore how Collaborative Conversations offers a practical and effective way to help groups to shift their thinking and become more adept at coping with the messiness of both business and life.
What if conversations are how work really gets done?
In the old world (the one those of us over 40 grew up in) we were often told to “Stop talking and get to work!” But times have changed. Increasingly, people are recognizing that, far from being separate entities, talk is the essence of action. The Collaborative Conversations wheel is the result of over 20 years of inquiry into the question of, “How do we ensure we are having the right conversation at the right time with the right people about the right thing?”
Collaborative Conversations are a simple framework of four conversations that will help you to tame the complex challenges of getting smart people to be smarter together in the pursuit of excellence. In this workshop, we will explore how to apply the Collaborative Conversations model to a real world business case in order to produce real world results.

Our storyteller for the day: Pascal Bastien
Pascal is the co-founder the Bachelor Young Entrepreneur at EM Strasbourg. He has been introducing Collaborative Conversations as a permanent practice to his teams of students. Pascal will share with us the story of how the Bachelor Young Entrepreneur came into being and he’ll invite us to use an actual case study to apply the lessons of collaborative leadership in this workshop.
This is an opportunity to discover a highly innovative approach, unique in executive education.
Workshop program
• Working through each of the four Collaborative Conversations as a team.
• Applying the Collaborative Conversations wheel to a real business case and to our concrete situations
• Each of the four conversations will be accompanied by somatic practices to help us tap the wisdom both within and between our bodies as we work
Your facilitation team: Ken Homer, Etienne Collignon and me!
Ken Homer (USA) Founder of CollaborativeConversations, Ken has been a student of dialogue and systems for over 30 years. What is usually left off his resume is 17 years of Vipassina (Insight) meditation, ten years of yoga and 12 years of studying the ancient Chinese energetic practice of chi kung. Ken is the President of Bay Area Society for Organizational Learning and he coaches teams and organizations on embodied listening and collaborative leadership.
Etienne Collignon (France) Etienne’s passion is the art of learning together to humanize society. The Learning Person, Innovative Teaching and Change Leadership are his three basic themes for research and coaching. Etienne headed up Learning, Innovation, Organizational Development at the Solvay Group for 25 years. A former President for SOL France, he is the Chairman and Founder of TeamFactory, a non profit organization which develops entrepreneurs. Etienne holds a Ph.D. in management science.
Download the programme in English here
L’art du leadership collaboratif et de l’apprenance en équipe
Ken Homer, consultant à San Francisco (US), conférencier et créateur du modèle Conversations collaboratives sera à Paris le lundi 29 mai 2017. Avec Etienne Collignon, Accompagnateur de la transformation des personnes, équipes et organisations et créateur du modèle « La personne apprenante », Président-fondateur de TeamFactory, association pour la pédagogie de l’entrepreneuriat, nous animerons un atelier pour apprendre à inscrire les Conversations Collaboratives dans le fonctionnement permanent d’une équipe. Un grand témoin présentera une telle attente en début de journée et les participants élaboreront ensemble la démarche à suivre. En français et anglais.
Programme : Posture et présence en français