I use essentially 3 excellent tools:

TMS (Team Management System)

Team Management Systems (TMS) is recognized as the foremost integrated system of work-based, research-proven assessments and feedback instruments worldwide – supporting individuals, teams and organizations to effect positive and lasting change and achieve higher performance in the workplace.

TMS accreditedLogo1

SPM (Spony Profiling Model)

Integrating 360° feedback,intercultural management and motivation at work.(Used at Cranfield, EMLyon and ESSEC)

HBDI (Hermann Brain Dominance)


HBDI profiles identify the relative preference of an individual for a left brain or right brain style of thinking and can do the same for teams and groups.

I am a Master NLP coach. I have been trained in Speech and Drama at the Conservatoire d’Art Dramatique de Lyon. I am a member of the International Coach Federation.

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