Enough! Today I am angry, sad, exasperated and even FURIOUSLY sick of Cassandra messages forecasting the End of Men.

Let me give you three examples to illustrate my « ire » (like Martin Shovel would call my exasperation…)

  • TEDWomen & Hanna Rosin
  • The New York Times
  • « Nouvelles Clès », French magazine’s Cover page with « La Fin de l’Homme au siècle des Femmes »

It’s the end of the year, we’re into a major global, cosmic crisis, but it’s not the end of men!

I love TED. I consider myself a feminist. Of course TEDWomen attracted my curiosity and I watched a few excellent talks.

Except Hanna Rosin’s. I found it disturbing and even offensive for both men and women.

Who is Hanna Rosin? She’s a journalist for the Washington Post and The Atlantic. She wrote an article in the Atlantic which created a shock wave « The End of Men ». You can read it here. In this TED talk, she goes too far. She’s « pushy » and confrontational.

Read these comments about her presentation (mostly by men):

« Ms. Rosin’s apparent joy in « The Rise of Women » is in itself a challenge for me. Her statistics and my current economic situation are a definite arrow aimed at my ego. »

 » Don’t be fooled! This ethnocentric talk was about the success of masculine women.   Competition, business, politics, « battles » and even caring about the like are « uber » masculine domains. – I said masculine not male!  Femininity and masculinity are attributes inclusive to both men and women. What should be equal is the opportunity and encouragement for men and women to be as masculine or feminine as they want to be in our society without fear or discrimination along with new measures and meanings of success. »
« There is no new order. Business as usual. The game hasn’t changed. We need both masculine and feminine people for a balanced society. It matters not what gender fills those roles only that they be filled. The only thing that is eroded is the myth that femininity is exclusively of females and masculinity of males. Respectful masculinity will be met with yielding femininity. Disrespectful and domineering masculinity is met with righteous masculinity as evident in this talk and comments. The more respectful masculine women there are the more yeilding feminine men there needs to be. I suspect that men may need to embrace and uphold both the ideal feminine and masculine archetype. »

« Focusing on the differences between men and women is a huge mistake in light of solving economic problems. These differences between men and women may exist but they are not innately tied to being a male, or a female. It is only because we raise boys and girls differently that they have different skills. There is no reason for gender pride and that’s all this is doing.

If we care about both genders the goal shouldn’t be to ease the pain as we shift the power over to women but to educate everyone equally on what it takes to rise up. »

I could go on for ever, the comments are not equally as benevolent or uplifting as these, but I must say I couldn’t help identifying more with men than with Mrs Rosin.It’s a shame, since she’s also a brilliant and intelligent writer.

The Declining Demand for Men. December 13th, 2010, in the New York Times, another « Cassandra » article’s headline .

  • Third Example: A Woman’s Red Stiletto Smashing a Widget Superman. Finally, France is following the Atlantic trend with a magazine cover picturing « the end of man in a century of women… ». The content of the article was excellent and I found brilliant ideas and writers, precious references and links and a desire to facilitate the rebirthing of Man for the sake of humanity. What was it really necessary to start with a picture of a woman’s (red) stiletto impaling a ridiculouly tiny Superman?

Immediate reactions:

  • How would I feel, if I saw a big MadMen’s Shoe Smashing a tiny WonderWoman?

I’d go MAD! I’d see RED! I would get prepared to do battle. Is this what we want?

  • How would I feel if I heard a man rejoicing about the fall of women? Angry. Humiliated. Misunderstood. Depressed.

I suggest instead that we speak to the rising up of humanity- all of us.

As Vincent Cespedès (remember this name, he’s a French Philosopher, writes about masculinity in a creative and provocative way! ) would say, we need to surf the Charm Wave instead of the Shock Wave. John Hagel latest blog post in The Big Shift: Challenge and Opportunity for Women. Another male’s perspective, this time American.

« The future of business belongs to the feminine archetype.  The future belongs to those of us, female or male, who can adopt and embrace the feminine archetype. « 

So what does this has to do with power and women?

As Marcia Reynolds reminds us in The Best-Kept Secret, Women love power , don’t need to be « empowered », yet they hate to admit it.


Because power, as we know it, is confused with domination upon, with arrogance, selfishness and showing off. It is the old masculine archetype on which corporations are built. Power can be fun, joyful, playful, innocent and full of purpose. Just like Kah Walla type of power, I described in a previous post.

Power- to be present for the others, to achieve sustainable improvements in the life of others, to ignite a sparkle of light and desire, to create big shifts in the world.

The bottom line

We need to rethink power, NOW, Not Only for Women, but for men too, so that power embraces both masculine and feminine archetypes.

Power with, not  Power over.

Power to connect.

Power to weave knowledge and trusted relationships in generous and exponential waves.

« We must find ways to more effectively integrate the masculine and feminine archetypes to draw on the strengths of each.  But, at the end of the day, the pendulum must swing much more in the direction of the feminine archetype if we are realize the potential that the Big Shift represents for all of us. »

John Hagel in The Big Shift: Challenge and Opportunity for Women.

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