You know what? This is the third post I made out of the incredibly long comment I left on Steve Roeslier's Blog, All Things Workplace. This man must have thought I was insane…

I started to wonder about my daughters, about all the young students I worked with during their MBA studies.How many would actually live up to their dreams and understand the challenges of leading both a successful personal and professional life?


  • Are all young women when they start building their family in their twenties or early thirties, able to develop this clear Vision and focus on their priorities?

  • Do they have support from their young, also struggling husband?

  • Support from their parents, mothers, grand mothers?

  • Support from the media with the SuperWomen "Elastic Girl" Image?  

I doubt.

We wake up from the dream and find the reality of tough choices to make and patiently learn to wait for new opportunities, other times in life…learn to accept the cards we're given and deal with them…Or rebel, or quit, divorce, break up…

I 'm not saying men have it easierWell, yes, I am saying that to be honest.

By easier I mean in fact less choices, fewer role models to identify with and a clear sense of identity through work.

There were times in my life when nothing, nothing could be more important for me than to be 100% present for each breath , each meal, each new step of my children.

I could picture myself perfectly happy and fulfilled being a "stay at home " mom.

 It's a 24hrs a day full time job which requires intrinsic motivation and multi tasking.
It requires such a strong character and such Leadership talents…that you would never even dare required from the TOP 500 Fortune Companies Leaders!

I  often find myself observing people, especially women, young women in public places. I have a very sweet tenderness for overwhelmed mothers with toddlers and crying babies. Always wonder how I ever did cope myself…seems almost impossible to me: patience, humility, generosity, creativity, LOVE…and strong self esteem and identity not to break down !

The issue is the status and representation of women as working moms at home that society has forged in our heads.

My aim is to coach Gen Y women , using my generosity, creativity and passion, to reconnect with their enthusiasm and achieve their goals, with a life long plan.
My dream would be to cooperate with women from different cultures, generations to provide on line support and encouragement!

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