"Don't worry sweetheart, I 'll bring my iPhone!"
Just imagine yourself, with your kid or grandchild, reading his (her) favorite bedtime story,with a classic children book
and …your iPhone!
Watch this incredible (very short 1:53 min) video where a classical children book is being read WITH the kid, thanks to an iPhone touch screen inserted in the book (I love the moment when the little red fishes are attracted like magnets by the finger)
"I was completely blown away by this video the first time through. Such a simple, low-tech, solution produces such an amazingly rich, engaging experience that’s just bursting with possibility for further creativity.
While it’s just a concept at this point, you can see how it can make a new kind of storytelling available to the masses in a way that wouldn’t have seemed possible not that long ago."
Alex Rainert. His twitter bio:" I love design. I'm partial to the intersection of mobility & social behavior. Years ago I co-founded dodgeball. I currently run the Design group at Schematic NY".
So, what does it have to do with Presentation Skills and Public Speaking?
I see the future of Presentations including Storytelling, interactivity and creativity.
I'm not sure yet how it will be implemented, but there is room for innovation, and this could just be fantastic!
Imagine if we could design workshop books and masterclass like that?
Our audience would be able to follow what we say and show and at the same time experience with their touch the discovery of new concepts…, at their own rythm.
Therefore, we need to develop storytelling skills, as well as creative narrative design and skills.
I'd love to collaborate with designers and learning experts to create innovative learning tools…
Mixing the most ancient oral tradition with the most sophisticated technology.
Anyone interested?
Awesome! Your idea of creating innovative learning tools that integrate storytelling, technology, and interaction is awesome!
It will be especially critical for the GenY/Millenials who grew up with technology! (@feistywoman)
Hey Marion,
I showed that video to my kids and now they want one of those books (though something for bigger kids of course).
I think you are definitely on to something about the future of presentations and storytelling. We’ve all enjoyed being regaled with stories either around a campfire or at a gathering of friends. Why shouldn’t we look at presentations at conferences and in the workplace in that same light – as an opportunity for people to gather and share ideas, thoughts, experiences with the intention of transferring that knowledge to the audience.
With all the amazing technological developments in both business and social life, it’s time that we embrace some new ways that allow us to bring back that magic of sitting on our parent’s lap and having a world opened up to us through the power of story.
Hi Marion
We use a tool at one of the Corp Uni’s that does exactly the type of inetraction you are looking for. I’ll send them an email and ask them the name of the product. One of the best VC’s Fred Wilson (avc.com) I recommend all the start-ups I’ve worked with to read Fred’s blog (he is a twitter investor and at the forefront of this type of technology.) When the Kindle first came out he wrote “I don’t want to consume media that I can’t interact with,” he wrote. “When I come into contact with media, I want to do something with it. Tag it, post it, reply to it, comment on it, favorite it, share it, gift it, quote it, whatever … When are people going to understand that digital media, be it a book, a song, a film, an article, or whatever else, is not passive media. That was analog’s gig.” Isn’t that brilliant!
Also on the book side I love what Penguin are doing here – http://www.wemakestories.com/ awesome stuff and their blog has some great tips for wannabe storytellers here – http://www.wemakestories.com/content/content.aspx?ID=100
I am sure MIT people also have a TED presentation on interactivity and presenting – it’s certainly very much in the works.
Good thoughts, Colin
Thank you, Ava!
Your enthusiasm makes me so happy!
Yes, very similar to the success of TED Presentation, which is based on Technology, Entertainment and Design, the Next Presentations are going to be linked to Entertaining Technologies, looking beautiful and simple!
We have dreams to turn into actions, both of us!
My dear Tanveer,
I am so touched you have shared this post with your daughters!
That’s adorable!
If I had someone I would think of collaborating to create amazing creative presentation, to share some fantastic discovery with the world, that would be without hesitation you, Tanveer.
You have demonstrated in your various stories and blog posts your fine artistic capabilities, mixed with a genuine talent for using innovative media and technologies.
What a great adventure to explore together, one day!
Thank you Colin,
With this comment, you’re demonstrating the added value of interaction!
This is brilliant indeed, and I am grateful that you joined into the discussion.
You’re right on spot with TED (see my comment for Tanveer, earlier).
Yes, I am already familiar with Penguin http://wemakestories.com/
I am a fan of iTunes podcasts and they offer an amazing choice of online University courses from the best in the world (Cambridge, Wharton, Stanford, LBS, INSEAD).
I downloaded also for free, Metropolitan Museum exhibitions commented, MOMA’s, The Tate Gallery, British Museum, etc…
Penguin latest site is truly fantastic, because interactive.
Thank you for Fred Wilson’s recommendation, Colin.
I’ll make sure I visit his site and i would be very grateful if you sent me the information about the Corporate University you were mentioning (was it Insead?)
There is also a great site which provides new type of visual and interactive presentation:
CreativityWorks http://www.creativityworks.net/
They propose masterclass « Words That Move Mountains », teaching executives and anyone wanting to present his expertise, communicate with multisensory dimension with the audience.
Please let me know when you receive any news from the CorpUni.
Thank you, Marion. You are most kind and generous with your compliments. I would love to collaborate on any project with you – your passion, drive and enthusiasm is as powerful on the surface as it undoubtedly is deep within you.
I have no doubt that working together we could open eyes to that world of possibility. Looking forward to starting that adventure soon. I’ll be sure to bring my magic pen and coffee cup along for the ride.
Love the low-tech idea and linking it to presentation skills. As an ardent fan of the bed-time story and hating some elements of IT presentations this speaks to the heart.
Stories are such a powerful medium to connect with people and you are definitely onto something here Marion.
My 12yr old son still asks me to read to him and at present we are revisiting stories of Trebor the Pink (don’t ask!) Tractor which I used to make up for him when he was a toddler!
Zoe x
A very cool combination of traditional ideas, with innovative technology. I agree that this lends itself to further innovation. Thanks for sharing this Marion.