Interaction cyberspace We all know that the more you interact
with your audience  the greater impact
have on them.The more you relate to people, the more they will be able to memorize and take action
after your presentation.
What used to be true with « classical » offline
presentations, speeches, conferences and seminars, will be all the more
relevant for online /remote/virtual communication

Right, let’s assume you already manage to establish a good « rapport » face-to-face, what happens when you go « virtual »?

Did you know that an increasing majority* of people today in business don’t work in one place but they communicate virtually from anywhere?


* »In fact the mobile
workforce in the U.S. — which has the largest percentage of mobile
workers in the world — is set to become 73 percent of the nation’s
workforce by 2011
. » According to the International Data Corporation

What does it mean for YOU and for presentations?

Next time you will be speaking, chances are high that you will be by yourself, alone, speaking from a computer microphone, using a bluetooth headset, watching a webcam and checking one or two flat screen monitors at the same time. Scary?


Looking more like an overwhelmed air traffic controller than a Roman Orator at the Agora (I know, there should be space for something in the middle, like a cheerful effective and inspiring speech, clear and simple).

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Next Presentation Should Be More Interactive:



  • People will be multi-tasking: How to create and maintain interest when your audience is ALSO doing many things simultaneously? Checking their emails, tweeting about you or about anything else, polishing their own presentation,(if not their nails!) reading, writing, drinking, eating, doing absolutely what they want, as long as nobody watches!

Or worse, they will be tweckling !  » Tweckle (twek’ul) vt. to abuse a speaker only to Twitter followers in the audience while he/she is speaking. «  by Steve Wheckler in Weapon of mass detraction

  • They will be listening to you from anywhere in the world: How to create and maintain interaction with people separated from you by space, time and cultures? How to be still relevant when you relate to people who have almost finished their day when you’re just having your first cup of coffee? How to make appropriate cultural connections when radically different maps of the world meet ?
  • They will be connected via their laptop or mobile device: How to bring the human factor in electronic technologies? How to bridge the gap created by physical, but also emotional distance? How to balance the « Robot » effect and simplify, personalize sophisticated technologies?


  • Blindfolded Man They will be out of TOUCH, not sharing the same SPACE They might not get the same « feeling » of you as if you were physically in the same room. How could you add your personal « touch » and warmth? More on this innovative approach of what used to be called « proxemics » (from Edward T Hall’ studies) to include now Virtual Distance . This might concern you and the person at the closest cubicle from you.

« Virtual DistanceTM is
the perceived distance between two or more individuals when their
primary method of communication and coordination is not face to face

Virtual Distance can exist regardless of whether people are separated by millimeters, miles or continental masses. »

  • You probably won’t SEE them! How will you be able to read their non-verbal cues?  You used to « read » people’s faces and measure their satisfaction by the non
    verbal messages they sent you.Now you will have do this differently and develop other skills.Imagine you’re speaking blindfolded, people’s contexts being totally invisible for you if you don’t explicitly ask for them.How will you do that?

This is the fourth post about the Next Presentation trends

In the very near future, presentations are going to look:

  • More simple
  • Shorter
  • More personal
  • More Interactive
  • Collaborative
  • More Fun

Next post is going to be about collaborative presentations…

And before Christmas, how to add fun into your presentation!

My purpose is to bring you solutions to manage these new challenges, and offer you a step-by-step online presentation class.

What kind of comments does this post trigger in you? What other aspects of interactions challenges do you see in the next future? Have you already experienced confusion, discomfort or stress while communicating online? Have you ever faced an intimidating silence while giving your webinar? What worked well for you?


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